14 November 2014
​Islanders will soon be able to access more services under one roof as the Population Office moves from Jubilee Wharf to the Social Security building in La Motte Street. This will take place on the 8th December 2014.
The Population Office provides a number of services including:
• Business Licensing and Manpower
• Housing Gateway
• Issuing Registration Cards and qualifying people for housing and work
• Registering Lodging Houses
Bringing these services together with existing social security services will be more convenient for both islanders and employers, by providing a number of services in one place. The change will also enable processes to be streamlined, saving time and money through greater efficiency.
The Social Security Minister, Deputy Susie Pinel, says “I am pleased to see this work coming to fruition. We are continually trying to improve our services, both through data sharing and now through locating complementary services in one building.”
Assistant Chief Minister, Senator Paul Routier, who has responsibility for the Population Office, said “This co-location will make it clearer for our customers when they need to use these services that are closely linked. When staff all work in the same building we will be able to make further improvements to the process for everyone involved.”
The relocation of the Population Office to Social Security fits within a wider drive to improve efficiency and customer service in the States of Jersey.
Continued responsibility
The Chief Minister’s Department will retain responsibility for population policy, with the Assistant Chief Minister and Housing and Work Advisory Group continuing to consider licence applications from businesses.
The move will not affect the application process itself. All email addresses and phone numbers will remain the same.