06 February 2014
​The Port of Jersey is looking for a new operator to run the café and bar in the passenger terminal at Elizabeth Harbour, St Helier.
The café and bar closed in November and since then only limited refreshments have been available. Catering firms who would be able to re-establish the café and bar as a year-round business are being invited to express their interest.
Unexpected closure
Group Commercial Director for Ports of Jersey, Myra Shacklady, said “We were disappointed by the unexpected closure of the facility last year but in light of the level of informal enquiries we have already received from interested parties, I am confident of securing another leaseholder who can once again establish this as first-class café and bar offering that not only will satisfy existing customers but also have the opportunities to attract new business."
The closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is midday on Friday 28 February 2014. The details and application forms are available from the sole agent, Buckley and Company. They can be contacted on + 44 (0)1534 880880 or by email.