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Jersey signs renewable energy agreement

17 April 2014

Last week at an international marine renewable energy convention, Thetis EMR, representatives of West Normandy Marine Energy (WNME) and the Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group (CIMREG) signed a framework agreement for cooperation in marine renewable energy work. The agreement was signed on behalf of Jersey by the Assistant Economic Development Minister, Deputy Carolyn Labey.
The agreement aims at supplying WNME and the CIMREG with a framework to address common issues and to encourage business and research collaboration. It will also provide the means to exchange knowledge and best practice, as well as providing opportunities to support and accelerate the growth of the marine energy sector in Basse-Normandie and the Channel Islands.
The President of the Basse-Normandie Region, Laurent Beauvais; the President of the Manche Department, Jean-François Le Grand; and the President of the CommunautĂ© Urbaine de Cherbourg, AndrĂ© Rouxel, jointly stated “We notice once again, on the occasion of Thetis MRE international convention, how much the development of the marine renewable energy sector is based on our capacity to cooperate at an international level, in order to capitalise on the experiences of each to accelerate the development of this new industry, and to maximize local benefits. By this agreement, we create the favourable conditions of a concrete and effective cooperation between the Channel Islands and Basse-Normandie territories for years to come."
Deputy Labey commented “Jersey has been working with the other Channel Islands for some time now to progress the opportunities for marine renewable energy where very real long-term opportunities exist for us all. This agreement sets out the understanding of cooperation between the islands and our west Normandy colleagues, who are taking great strides forward. We look forward to continuing to work together.”
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