18 November 2014
Secondary schools are taking part in a competition to see which one can reduce their energy use by the most. How Low Can You Go? started yesterday (Monday 17 November) and will last a fortnight. At the end, the school which has reduced its energy by the most (in proportion to the total number of pupils and excluding heating) will be treated to a morning with Channel 103.
Wider campaign
The competition is part of the Turn It Off campaign, an Eco-Active initiative to get people to turn off electrical appliances that aren't being used including those that are left on stand-by such as:
• chargers
• TVs
• computer monitors
• games consoles
• tablets and other portable devices
• photocopiers
The Energy Efficiency Service’s outreach and administration officer, Holly Lefebvre, said: “All the schools taking part are Eco Schools, and this is an opportunity for their eco-committee to put together campaigns that encourage other pupils, and teachers, to save electricity.
“Simple things, like turning off lights and projectors when they aren’t being used, have a big impact on the amount of electricity being used. A typical home will save between £40 and £70 a year by switching appliances off at the plug rather than leaving them on standby – just think how much a school will save, and how much the Island will save as a whole, if we all take these easy steps.”
Energy saving advice for all
Eco-Active is running the campaign throughout November with the aim of encouraging everyone to take part at home, work and school.
For free and impartial information on how to save energy, you can contact the Energy Efficiency Service on +44 (0) 1534 441611.