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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Serious fire on Queen's Road

06 June 2014

Firefighters called in extra help to deal with a serious fire most probably caused by a tumble dryer or washing machine yesterday (5 June).
The large fire started in garage next to two semi-detached houses on Queen's Road. The main challenges were live electrical cables, which sparked and flashed and made operations extremely difficult. The building was also difficult to get in to, and there were leaking propane and butane cylinders.

Two crews were already dealing with a serious fall in West Park but attended the Queen's Road incident later. The duty ā€˜On Callā€™ retained firefighters left their work places to provide cover.

The Fire and Rescue Service used two main appliances, ten breathing apparatus teams, four medium water jets, two high pressure hose reels and had to get a further main pump and the aerial ladder platform too. The teams worked with the JEC, Environmental Services and Jersey Gas to save the properties.
Incident Commander, Clive Russell said "this was a fierce fire, and we're very pleased that we managed to save the homes next door; fires like these can have a terrible impact.

"It appears even at this early stage that the fire started in the tumble dryer or washing machine. Our fire and rescue volunteers will be going around the local community offering advice in a ā€˜hot strikeā€™, in particular making sure fire doors between homes and garages are kept closed and in good condition."
He added "it is also a top tip to install a smoke alarm in your garage as the early warning can make all the difference".
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