19 December 2014
​​There has been a great response to the Jersey Household Spending and Income Survey (HSIS) so far, with more than 800 households participating since the survey started in April. The Statistics Unit would like to thank every one of the households who have taken part in the survey.
Ensuring official statistics represent everyone
The confidential survey collects information on household spending, which is essential to keep the Retail Prices Index (the “cost of living”) and other official statistics accurate and up to date. It also provides vital information on household incomes, for example measures of income inequality and relative low income in Jersey.
Each month, a sample of households is chosen at random and asked to take part in the survey. The randomly selected households represent not only their own household but others in Jersey like it, helping to ensure that official statistics represent everyone in the Island.
Duncan Gibaut, Chief Statistician said “I’d like to encourage households who are contacted in the coming months to help us by taking part in this important survey. Spending patterns change throughout the year, so the next few months will be important in gathering information on the spending habits of Islanders, particularly during the Christmas period.”
Reasons to take part
Households who have been involved have often fed back that they found it a very interesting and useful budgeting exercise, and were very positive about being part of something that is so important to Jersey.
Another reason for taking part is the chance to be entered into a quarterly prize draw. The Statistics Unit have randomly selected winners of the first two prize draws for households that participated over the first six months of the survey; the unit would like to offer its congratulations to the two winners, a household in St. Helier and a household in St. Cl​ement. The third quarterly prize draw, for households that took part during the latest three months, will be drawn early next year.