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New St Aubin sculpture

13 November 2014

​A new sculpture will be unveiled in St Aubin on Saturday (15 November), marking the completion of a village improvement scheme for the area.

The village scheme has been carried out by the Transport and Technical Services Department, working with the St Aubin’s Project Board - a community steering group.

Artist Derek Tristram

The sculpture, which celebrates the history of St Aubin’s boat building industry and the village’s maritime traditions, has been made by artist and stonemason Derek Tristram. He is also known for his sculpture of clasped hands at Corbiere. Derek, who has spent four months hand carving the art work in Jersey granite, said:

“I feel very fortunate to have been chosen to create these artworks for St Aubin, the village I grew up in. It was always my intention to make use of the beautiful Jersey granite and also to produce works that speak of the past and look to the future."

Public art

ConnĂ©table of St Brelade Steve Pallett said “Unveiling this unique and wonderfully crafted piece of public art is a fitting conclusion to the village project which has taken over three years to complete from design to implementation. The community have played a huge part in the decision making and I would like to thank them for their hard work. 

“I would also like to thank the local businesses, residents and visitors to St Aubin for their patience throughout the works. It hasn’t always been easy, change seldom is."

The Connétable also thanked Deputy Kevin Lewis and the officers and staff at Transport and Technical Services Department for their professionalism.

Village businesses and community groups hope people in Jersey will visit St Aubin for the unveiling and to see what's changed in the village.

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