11 December 2014
​The States’ contract with Serco to operate the AquaSplash swimming pool has been renegotiated by Education, Sport and Culture to improve the terms for the taxpayer.
The company has a 20-year contract to run the pool and terms are renegotiated every five years. The existing five-year period ends on 31 December 2014 and the arrangements for the next period have been put in place. They include a reduction in the States subsidy by ÂŁ100,000 a year while maintaining the existing level of service.
ESC Operations Manager, Barclay Harvey, said “ESC is pleased to confirm that it has been successful in its negotiations with Serco (Jersey) Ltd to run the AquaSplash pool for a further five-year term. The result of working closely on all aspects of how the facility is run and operated with the AquaSplash team has allowed the States subsidy to be reduced, which is great news.”
ESC Minister, Deputy Rod Bryans, added “I would like to thank Serco for their ongoing co-operation. It means we can continue to provide a popular leisure pool for the Jersey community but also ensure best value for the public purse at a time when government finances are under pressure. Thanks also to the team at ESC.”
The pool project was initiated by the Waterfront Enterprise Board and building was completed in July 2003 at a cost of ÂŁ11.9 million. Administration was passed to ESC in 2005.