27 March 2014
​Islanders are being asked to join millions of people around the world in turning their lights off as part of Earth Hour 2014.
The World Wide Fund for Nature is holding its annual Earth Hour on Saturday 29 March between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm. Millions of people, businesses and governments around the world unite each year to support the environmental event.
It's the eighth year of the campaign. The charity held the first switch off in Sydney in 2007 and since then it has grown to engage more than 7,000 cities and towns worldwide.
The States of Jersey is taking part as part of its commitment to reducing consumption across the public sector. Eco-Active States Project Officer Debbie Rowland said “All States departments have been encouraged to switch off unnecessary lights and electrical items. Transport and Technical Services is switching off the lights at Mont Orgueil and Elizabeth Castle, and Victoria Avenue Promenade for the hour and Fort Regent’s dome lighting is being switched off.”
Department of the Environment Eco Active Programme Manager, Jane Burns, said “We’d really love to get as many Islanders as possible to switch their unnecessary lights off at home for just an hour this Saturday as a gentle reminder of the small ways that we can reduce our energy use every day. And perhaps local businesses could play their part – it would be great to see the lights off in some of St Helier’s larger office buildings too.”
Environmental responsibility
Standard Bank will be joining the initiative. Lights in the La Motte Street building will be turned off for the hour as a symbol of the bank’s commitment to environmental responsibility.
Head of Marketing and Communications at Standard Bank, Claire Reid, said “This is the second year we have participated in this global initiative, and we think it’s vital that we highlight the issues and aims of the campaign.
As a worldwide organisation we fully understand how even the smallest gesture can have international implications with each individual effort combining to be a powerful force for change. We are encouraging our staff to take part in Earth Hour at home, as well as switching off lights in our offices.”
The 3rd Jersey (St Saviour) Scout Group are also taking part. They’re working towards their conservation badge and are all getting involved in Earth Hour. They have created a list of 60 things you can do in Earth Hour.
Suggestions include playing glowstick football, a visit to a dolmen (to get scared), taking a selfie in the dark, and playing fluffy bunnies (a game involving putting as many marshmallows as you can in your mouth) by a bonfire.