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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Seymour Tower rescue

17 February 2014

A man was rescued from the refuge point between the Grouville shoreline and Seymour Tower on Sunday 16 February after he was trapped by the incoming tide.
Jersey Fire and Rescue launched one of its inshore rescue boats (IRB) after receiving a number of calls to say that someone was trapped by the tide.
The man had managed to make his way to the refuge tower situated approximately half way between the shore and Seymour Tower and was rescued and safely taken back to shore.

Jersey Fire and Rescue have issued a reminder that it is vitally important that if you plan on exploring some of Jerseyā€™s coast that you let people know where you are and what time you are due back. Ensure that you carry a mobile phone so you can contact someone or be contacted in case of an emergency.
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