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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Maximum tariffs for all taxis

22 May 2014

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Deputy Kevin Lewis, will discuss the introduction of maximum fare tariffs for all taxis in Jersey with the taxi industry.

Deputy Lewis has written to all restricted taxi-cab companies, the Jersey Taxi Drivers Association, and the Jersey Cab Drivers Association about his proposals and a series of meetings which will be held to determine a set of maximum tariffs which would provide certainty of cost for the customer and a reasonable return for the taxi service providers.

Under the current system, maximum fares for public rank taxis are controlled by the Minister, while private hire companies are free to set their own fares as they see fit. Consequently, different taxi firms have different fares structures, though the fares chargeable must be clearly displayed in the vehicle.

Review of service

Deputy Lewis has been undertaking a review of the regulation of the Islandā€™s taxi service. While there have been mixed opinions on many of the proposals contained within taxi regulatory reform papers, his consultation found that customers were confused about the two types of taxi and the different fares they charge and the proposal to set an industry-wide maximum fare tariff for all taxi-cabs had widespread agreement.

Of the 742 individual responses received in the Minister's initial consultation, more than 90% agreed that the TTS Minister should set a maximum level of fares for all taxis.
In a subsequent consultation, the move to a single set of tariffs was supported by a wide range of respondents including both individuals and organisations representing the taxi industry. Organisations in favour of introducing an industry-wide maximum tariff included:
  • Jersey Chamber of Commerce
  • Jersey Consumer Council
  • Channel Islands Competition and Regulatory Authorities
  • Jersey Cab Drivers Association
  • Jersey Taxi Drivers Association
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