21 March 2014
​The Minister for Economic Development, Senator Alan Maclean, has welcomed the preliminary report of the Tourism Shadow Board, published today.
It proposes the creation of a wholly independent, grant-funded body that will take on the activities currently undertaken by Jersey Tourism and certain other agencies.
The report represents the board's response to its first objective to define the best operational and governance structure and make a recommendation to the Minister to implement changes. The report outlines a set of recommendations on the future structure of tourism in Jersey following a year of research and interviews conducted by the board.
Senator Maclean said "I have indicated to the Tourism Shadow Board that I broadly support the recommendations in the preliminary report. This is a well-researched document and I am encouraged that the board sees significant future growth potential in Jersey’s visitor economy. I am in no doubt that Jersey’s tourism industry can return to growth, if fundamental changes are made to way in which tourism is developed and promoted."
Since the Board was established 12 months ago, it has taken evidence from around 100 individuals and groups, in person and in writing, representing a broad cross section of the tourism industry in Jersey and elsewhere plus those who represent wider Island interests. Those who provided evidence include:
- Jersey Hospitality Association
- Institute of Directors
- Jersey Chamber of Commerce
- hoteliers
- tour and travel operators
- attractions and event organisers
- the general public.
Tourism Shadow Board Chairman John Henwood said: "The Board is grateful to all those who have taken the time and trouble to give oral evidence or to send helpful written submissions. We were struck by the overwhelming desire for change: in the way Jersey promotes itself; how its product infrastructure is developed to maximise the Island’s appeal to visitors; for the digital opportunity to be fully embraced and for trade links to be maintained and developed to ensure Jersey remains competitive and attractive as a destination. We believe our initial recommendations give expression to the weight of evidence and will benefit not only the tourism industry, but Jersey as a whole."
The board proposes that the only route to achieve a return to sustainable growth in the tourism sector is a radical rethink of the way in which the Island is promoted and developed as a destination. The creation of an independent organisation, which is free to make its own decisions and will be measured and funded based on its performance, is recommended as the best way forward.
The proposal also calls for a new deal involving the people and government of Jersey and businesses in the tourism sector. The key to this “new deal” is that all parties make a commitment to embrace tourism as an essential component not only of the Island’s economy but also a vital element of its social fabric, with a clear and ongoing commitment to its success.
Following publication of the report and the Minister’s broad agreement of its proposals, the Board now enters the second phase of its planning. This will see the board working with the Economic Development Department and States of Jersey Human Resources to develop a full business case and implementation plan.
"Our priority in this phase is to acknowledge the sensitivities involved and the impact this proposal will have on Jersey Tourism," said Senator Maclean. "Only once the business case and strategy for the new entity has been defined and agreed will the Board be in a position to recommend the ideal structure to deliver this strategy."