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Training grant receives more than 200 applications

18 September 2014

​​Launched by Skills Jersey in September 2013, the Skills Accelerator grant, which provides funding for employees of local businesses to undertake training, has now received more than 200 applications.

The financial assistance provided by the Skills Accelerator allows employees of SMEs to access training that will make a difference to the viability or diversification of their employer’s business. This can include support for personal development, vocational or specialist training, and training for employees looking to progress to a new role.

Successful applicants will be offered a grant of up to 75% of the total balance of their training costs, up to £4,000. Building on the States of Jersey’s eGovernment initiative, the application process is now entirely online.

The Minister for Economic Development, Senator Alan Maclean, said “I am delighted that the Skills Accelerator scheme is proving so popular. The online application process is a good example of eGovernment in action and the response rate has been extremely encouraging. It shows that local businesses are grasping this opportunity to carry out a range of training to ensure that their employees have the skills to meet customers’ needs. Developing and maintaining a skilled workforce is key to long-term, sustainable economic growth in the Island. I look forward to seeing this scheme continue to build on its initial success in the coming months.”

Supporting the States of Jersey’s aim to encourage innovation, diversification and workforce development within Jersey businesses, the Skills Accelerator has provided support for a range of training, from industry-specific qualifications to courses in areas such as IT, customer relations, leadership and management.

In order to be eligible, applicants must be able to demonstrate their residential status, and organisations must have been trading for a minimum of six months. Further information about the Skills Accelerator and how to apply can be found online.

 Skills training grants: Skills Accelerator​

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