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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St Peter's Valley cycle path

25 September 2014

A planning application has been submitted for the construction of a roadside path in St Peter’s Valley.

Transport and Technical Services have been working on plans to create an off-road path in the Valley that will provide a safe and accessible route for pedestrians and cyclists. The idea was strongly supported in public consultations and by the ConnĂ©tables of St Peter, St Lawrence and St Mary.

The path will be under two metres wide and run for three kilometres from Tesson Mill to just south of Granite Products but connect the existing route (the perquage) right through to St Mary’s village and the country lanes beyond.

TTS Assistant Minister Deputy John Le Fondre and department officers have been in discussions with the various landowners along the route and everyone was keen to ensure that the path was designed to have minimal impact on the valley setting.

TTS Minister Deputy Kevin Lewis said “The creation of this path is in support of our Sustainable Transport Policy. We are providing facilities that will encourage more people to walk and cycle and will lead to less traffic on the road. I am also sure that this path would be much used by tourists as the valley is very beautiful with interesting mills and would provide an easy link to the north coast.”

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