26 June 2014
​The Department of the Environment is appealing for more volunteers to take part in focus groups on access to Jersey’s countryside paths.
The department launched a survey of people’s views on the path network last month. It’s been very popular – to date approximately 600 people have responded. But it wants to get more detailed insight into the expectations and needs of the many different users.
It’s particularly keen to encourage cyclists, horse riders and people with impaired mobility to take part in the focus groups.
Jersey has an extensive network of paths across public and private land in some of the Island’s most beautiful landscapes. They promote significant environmental, educational, health and economic benefits to the Island.
Primary attraction
The paths are used by an estimated 100,000 people a year including walkers, horse riders, dog owners and cyclists. In addition to thousands of local users, the paths are used by at least a third of visitors to Jersey, and are cited in successive visitor surveys as one of Jersey’s primary attractions.
The Department of the Environment is the government department with responsibility for supporting nature conservation in Jersey and oversees the management of the footpath network.
Views and ideas
The current consultation targets walkers, cyclists and horse riders, as well as users who may find access to the coast and countryside difficult, and who sometimes have competing needs on paths. Its purpose is to gather people's views and ideas on the future of the paths network.
The c​onsultation is open to everyone.
Download the Access to the Countryside consultation
The focus groups are being held on 1 - 3 July and 8 - 10 July. If you would like to find out more or would like to register your interest, please contact:
4insight limited
Fourth floor
23-27 Seaton Place
St Helier
Telephone +44 (0) 1534 765380
Email 4Insight