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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Youth crime remains low

05 September 2014

New figures released by the Minister for Home Affairs for the first half of 2014 indicate that youth crime levels in Jersey remain at a very low level. 

Home Affairs Minister, Senator Ian Le Marquand, said β€œThe pattern of a major reduction in levels of youth crime that was constant in 2013 has continued into 2014. Here are the figures for the number of cases presented to the Youth Court”.


​Year​2010​2011​2012​2013​2014 (first 6 months)

The comparable figures for the numbers aged under 18 in the Young Offenders Institution at the Prison and in Greenfields Remand Centre in relation to criminal charges and for the number of offences committed by under 18s are also available:

Young Offenders Institution

​Year​2010​2011​2012​2013​2014 (first 6 months)
​Number of admissions​41​18​6​3​7*

* Of these 7 admissions, 6 relate to one individual.


Greenfields (criminal charge related)

Year​​2010​2011​2012​2013​2014 (first 6 months)
​Number of young people on remand​20​9​4​6​2


Number of offences detected

​Year​2010​2011​2012​2013​2014 (first 6 months)
​Offences detected​522​343​211​238​107


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