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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Youth Incentive is launched

07 May 2014

Back to Work have today (Wednesday 7 May) launched a major new initiative to tackle youth unemployment in Jersey. Under the Youth Incentive, ÂŁ650,000 has been made available to enable Jersey businesses to recruit young jobseekers into permanent roles.

Employers will receive the first six months’ salary (worth £6,500) when they employ a local 16 to 24 year-old on a permanent contract who has been registered actively seeking work for six months or more.

Under the Youth Incentive, employers will receive:
  • ÂŁ6,500 per new employee to cover six months’ salary at 35 hours / week plus the Social Security contributions
  • support from Back to Work in finding eligible candidates
  • six months’ in-work support from a Back to Work mentor, ensuring that the young person settles in to working life

Social Security Minister Senator Francis Le Gresley said â€śYoung people are often untapped talent who are keen to work and just need a chance. Many have been through training courses and work experience programmes and are eager to work to their full potential yet employers will often choose someone with more experience. I hope that this Incentive will help give young people that first step into sustainable employment.

“If employers have a member of staff who is leaving or is being promoted, and have an entry-level vacancy that could be filled by someone, then the Youth Incentive gives them an opportunity to take on and train up a young person at no financial cost.”

Youth Incentive - an employer's guide (Employment and careers section)

Employers invited to information sessions

Employers have today (Wednesday 7 May) received information about the Youth Incentive and are being invited to information sessions to find out more.

The Youth Incentive employer information sessions are being held at Back to Work, Eagle House, Colomberie on:

  • Wednesday 14 May at 1pm
  • Thursday 15 May at 5pm

You can register for the information sessions by emailing or calling Back to Work.

Email Back to Work  

Tel: +44 (0)1534 447411

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