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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Land transfer brings redevelopment of Ann Court a step closer

29 May 2015

​A significant urban regeneration project in the north of town has moved a step closer following a decision to transfer land from the States of Jersey to Andium Homes.

The Ann Court development, a residential site identified in the North of Town Masterplan, will provide 140 high quality affordable homes together with residential parking and a minimum of 137 public parking spaces. The development supports the Council of Ministers strategic priority to regenerate St Helier.

A Ministerial Decision has been signed by the Assistant Treasury and Resources Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel, to transfer the land. He said  “This decision is the next step in regenerating this area of town and its infrastructure for the benefit of all Islanders. It is important that we continue to support our local retailers by providing more parking for people visiting this area of town.”

Cross departmental initiative

This work is being co-ordinated by the Strategic Housing Unit as part of cross departmental initiative - working with Jersey Property Holdings, the Transport and Technical Services Department, and Andium Homes.

Housing Minister, Deputy Anne Pryke, said “I am delighted that Andium Homes will be taking on this key development. This Council of Ministers is committed to the ensuring that St Helier has the necessary investment to become a modern, vibrant capital that provides high quality homes and public amenities and preserves its history.”

Town traders

The Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft, also expressed his support for the project. He said “As well as welcoming the replacement of the homes on Ann Court with much-improved accommodation I am delighted that a substantial amount of shopper parking is being included in the scheme. This will be particularly welcomed by town traders in the Fishmarket and Central Market and in the West's Centre and Bath Street area.”

Deputy Pryke added that there would be full discussion and engagement by Andium Homes with local residents and all key stakeholders, including the St Helier Connétable, Simon Crowcroft, and local Deputies to ensure that the development delivers the widest benefits in a manner suited to the area.


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