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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Deferral of La Collette flats planning application

10 November 2015

ā€‹Jerseyā€™s Planning Applications Committee has decided today to defer further consideration of Andium Homes planning application to redevelop La Collette Flats.

The Committee was due to consider the application at its public meeting on Thursday 12 November 2015. However, during its site visits today, members of the Committee expressed concern following the recent Proposition adopted by the States Assembly. Deputy Labeyā€™s Proposition requested that any development of La Collette Low rise upholds and maintains the protected open space status of the existing green space on the site between the site and its border with Green Street. Members considered that they could not arrive at a decision on the application until legal advice on the Proposition has been obtained.

The Committee hopes that the advice will be received before its next sitting, which is scheduled for Thursday 10 December.

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