14 October 2015
Jerseyā€™s Labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of both public and private sector total employment.
The latest Labour market report for June 2015 shows that:
- total employment was 59,080
- employment in the private sector was 50,940
- employment in the public sector was 8,140
- total employment was 650 higher than in June 2014
- employment in the private sector increased by 860 on an annual basis
- employment in the public sector decreased by 210 on an annual basis
- the rise in private sector employment was predominantly due to increases in the number of employees with entitled/entitled to work status (up 490) and registered status (up 250)
- the fall in public sector employment was driven by a decrease in the number of employees with entitled/entitled to work status (down 210); the number of licensed employees in the public sector increased by 20 over the same period
- 6,450 jobs in the private and public sectors were filled on zero-hour contracts, 11% of all jobs
- the number of zero-hour jobs increased by 470 in the private sector and decreased by 110 in the public sector on an annual basis
Download Jersey labour market report June 2015 (size 785kb)