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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Results of Les Quennevais School sites consultation

07 December 2015

​The results are published today of an eight-week public consultation into possible sites for a new Les Quennevais secondary school.

Between 14 September and 8 November 2015 members of the public were asked to nominate their preferred site from a shortlist of three options. They could also submit comments of any length and on any related subject.

The main outcomes of the consultation were:

1,353 were received: 63% through an online form, the remainder through paper response leaflets, email or letter.

Votes for preferred site

  • 17.5%  Option 1: South-east corner of Les Quennevais sports field
  • 67.0% Option 2: Fields south of Rue CarrĂ©e
  • 15.5% Option 3: Fields south of Rue CarrĂ©e plus St Brelade football pitch site


  • 747 people added comments
  • 266 said protect sports facilities
  • 65 said protect St Brelade Sports and Social Club and pitch
  • 52 expressed concerns about traffic
  • 43 called for green fields to be protected

ESC Minister Deputy Rod Bryans said “Each of the three options is viable and meets the criteria for a new school in terms of site size, location and proximity to students. However, before making a final choice or proceeding with a planning application, we needed a public consultation to explain how the sites were selected and gauge the strength of public views about the options.

“I am pleased that so many people took part. Very few sites in Jersey are actually suitable for a modern secondary school and each option has its challenges. The feedback has been valuable, with some points raised that we hadn’t fully considered so Jersey Property Holdings are now looking into these.”

The Education, Sport and Culture Minister is now considering the consultation results alongside other detailed information relating to the site options. This will include landscape impact assessments, environmental impact studies and traffic analysis.

The combined information will be used to make a final decision on which option is most suitable for a progressing as a site for a new Les Quennevais School. Jersey Property Holdings will then start work on a planning application and building design, with the aim of submitting an application in the first quarter of 2016.

Deputy Bryans added “I would particularly like to thank Jersey Property Holdings and staff from Les Quennevais School for their fantastic support during this consultation.”

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