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Jersey Disability Survey Published

19 January 2016

​The results of the Health and Life Opportunities Survey, Jersey’s first survey about the profile and prevalence of disability in the Island, are being published today (19 January 2016).

1 in 4 Jersey households were randomly selected to take part in the survey carried out by Public Perspectives at the end of 2015. Its aim was to provide robust information and a better understanding of the lives of people living in Jersey with a disability, impairment or long-term condition.

The findings show 14% of all Jersey residents living in private households are disabled as defined under the UK Equality Act 2010 definition of disability (this is that they have a physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more which impacts on their ability to carry out day to day activities a little or a lot). This compares with 16.8% in England.

According to the results, people most likely to be disabled are:

  • older (especially 75 and over): For example, 13% of respondents aged 16-34 are disabled compared to 51% of respondents aged 85 and over;
  • on low incomes (especially below ÂŁ25,000): For example, 35% of respondents on low income (household income under ÂŁ15,000 per annum) have a disability compared with 9% of respondents with a household income of ÂŁ75,000 or more per annum;
  • living in social housing: For example, 35% of respondents living in social housing have a disability compared with 16% of respondents that own or privately rent or 12% of respondents that live in non-qualified accommodation;
  • not in employment (or not actively engaged in education or as a homemaker): For example, 70% of unemployed respondents or those unable to work have a disability compared with 11% of employed/engaged respondents or 30% of retired respondents;
  • living alone: For example, 26% of respondents that live on their own have a disability compared with 15% of other respondents.

Assistant Chief Minister with special responsibility for Social Policy, Senator Paul Routier, said: “I welcome this report on the results of the Health and Life Opportunities Survey. It’s the first time we’ve captured this data for ourselves, as opposed to relying on that of other jurisdictions, and it provides us with significant information about the profile and prevalence of disability in Jersey. The survey achieved a 42% response rate, which gives us the confidence that the data it is statistically robust. 

“However, it’s essential to recognise that this survey does not provide us with the complete picture. It’s the first step towards the development of a disability strategy. We must now compare the data provided with that of other jurisdictions in order to understand whether there are, for example, differences in people’s perceptions of discrimination or in their abilities to access services and support. Until that work is done, we will not know whether people fare better or worse in Jersey.”

Over the coming months, the Social Policy Unit will continue to engage directly with people who have a disability and talk to them about their experiences. This, along with consultation with other key stakeholders, will shape the development of a disability strategy.

The strategy is due to be published in 2017 and will help us plan how best to use the resources we have.

Jersey Health and Life Opportunities Report


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