22 April 2016
​People are to be asked for their views on a trial closure of Charing Cross which is planned as part of the Future St Helier initiative.
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) wants to close Charing Cross (the cut from Broad Street to Sand Street) to traffic as a trial from 1 June 2016. A drop-in session is being held for people to find out more.
The vision is to make the area safer for walkers and cyclists, more attractive and vibrant with alfresco seating and to improve the public realm for commuters, shoppers and tourists while accommodating business deliveries.
2,300 people at lunchtimes
Charing Cross is a main walking route and an important link for cyclists between the town centre, car parks, the Waterfront and financial district. Pedestrians and cyclists form 93 per cent of the traffic using this narrow road and at lunchtime 2,300 people have been counted passing through the cut. The number of pedestrians and cyclists using the area is expected to increase with the construction of the International Finance Centre on the Waterfront.
If people want to find out more they can attend a a drop-in question and answer session on Tuesday 26 April from noon to 2pm at St Helier Town Hall. Those people unable to attend can contact the Department for Infrastructure for a feedback form before 3 May 2016.
Give your views
Minister for Infrastructure said, Deputy Eddie Noel “The narrow pavements of the road from Broad Street to Sand Street struggle to cope with the large numbers of pedestrians using the area. As part of the Future St Helier initiative, the Department for Infrastructure in partnership with the Department of the Environment and the Parish of St Helier, plan to start a trial road closure this summer and we would like your comments before commencing the trial so that we can plan the closure.”
Email the Department for Infrastructure to ask for a feedback form