03 May 2016
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, has launched a public consultation on the next stage of a review into what people can do to their home, garden or business without applying for planning permission.
Earlier this year, restrictions were lifted in a number of areas, following changes governing what’s known as Permitted Development. It means many minor changes to homes and businesses no longer need permission.
Deputy Luce has now started the next stage of a review of the planning law. This review will include feedback and suggestions from Island residents who took part in the initial consultation and ask for views on whether people have to apply for planning permission for minor changes in the following areas:
- work to and within the garden of listed buildings and places
- livestock shelters on land and oyster farming in Grouville Bay
- public utilities and work to private roads
- surveillance equipment
- replacement conservatory roofs
- satellite dishes, awnings, rainwater goods
- industrial sites and demolition
Deputy Luce said "This is the second stage of a wide ranging root and branch review of the planning law. We’ve already introduced deregulation in a number of areas to try to speed up the planning process and reduce red tape for people who want to get on with their lives and work.
“This second stage of the review is more contentious so I’m keen to hear as wide a range of views as possible so we can achieve a balance between providing an efficient and workable planning service for people in Jersey and keeping the safeguards that protect the special quality of our built and natural environment.”
The Minister wants to protect agricultural land and is proposing a tightening up of permissions in this area which would mean all horse stables for commercial or domestic use would need planning permission in the future.
The consultation is open until 14 June