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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Bass stocks protection agreed

20 January 2016

The Marine Resources Panel has agreed a package of legislative measures to protect Jerseyā€™s bass stocks.

At a recent meeting (Monday 18 January 2016), the Panel agreed that since the EU has not yet published a new regulation confirming additional measures agreed at the December EU fisheries council, it should recommend to the Minister for Environment that he continues with the package of measures that is currently in process. These measures consist of:

  • Increase in minimum size to 42cm
  • Maximum three fish per day per person for recreational fishermen
  • Maximum limit of 50 hooks set on the beach
  • Maximum limit of 100 metres of net set on the beach
  • Increase to 110mm minimum mesh size for nets set on the beach

In addition, there will be a ban on winter pelagic trawling (trawling above the bottom of the ocean for fish such as bass and mackerel). And the Minister for Economic Development has agreed to draft a change to the Policing of Beaches regulations so that if people want to drive on the beach to transport fishing equipment, they will need a permit.

Under the current Fisheries Management Agreement, some regulations must have the agreement of the UK Secretary of State, which has already been requested. Once this is complete, the regulations will be lodged with the States Greffe and the draft legislation submitted for debate in the States. 

Any decision on further protective measures will be put off until confirmation is received that the EU has published the new regulation.


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