13 June 2016
​The Government of Jersey has published a draft of its cross-departmental Digital Policy Framework.
The Framework is a strategy paper designed to start a conversation about how Jersey could capitalise on digital technology to grow an efficient government, an innovative economy and a connected society.
This is the first time that the Government has brought all of its digital ambitions together into one document.
Delivering a speech to the Chamber of Commerce today, the Assistant Chief Minister for Financial Services, Digital, Competition and Innovation, Senator Philip Ozouf, has asked Islanders and businesses for their help in shaping Jersey’s digital future.
Senator Ozouf said “Today, we have launched a draft of a Digital Policy Framework for Jersey. We want this to be a catalyst for a conversation with all Islanders to test what Jersey’s doing well and where we need to improve. The published framework, which goes live on gov.je today, is a starting point, not a box-ticking exercise. We want learners, we want workers, and we want seniors to get involved. We want every Islander to help shape the strategy.
“Digital technology is key to ensuring that our business services sector, including finance, remains internationally competitive. It also brings an exciting opportunity to diversify our economy through the growth of our promising digital sector. We need a Digital Policy Framework that will provide us with the flexibility to do whatever is needed to thrive in the next era of the technology revolution.
“We want to be working with all of you to ensure we develop the best approach to digital skills, regulation, government transformation, cyber security and data protection.
“Everyone in Jersey has a role in building our digital future, and I encourage people and businesses to let us know their thoughts through this consultation: whether you are a young coder, a shop owner interested in selling your goods online, a digital start-up entrepreneur or a teacher – we need your input.”
The consultation can be found in the Consultations section of gov.je
Draft Digital Policy Framework Consultation
The consultation will be open until Friday 5 August 2016. A final version of the Digital Policy Framework will be published in the autumn of this year.