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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planning inquiry for Les Quennevais School application

28 July 2016

The Minister for the Environment has announced a Public Inquiry into the planning application for a new Les Quennevais School in St Brelade.

The Department for Infrastructure has applied to build a new secondary school with associated facilities, parking, landscaping and a sports field on agricultural land south of La Rue CarrĂ© in St Brelade (adjacent to Mont Ă  la Brune).  The application reference number is P/2016/0870.

The land is in the Green Zone on the 2014 Island Plan, where there is a general presumption against development, and where exceptional reasons are required to justify new buildings. 

Deputy Steve Luce has decided the application may be a departure from normal planning policy and is also of sufficient public interest to hold an inquiry.

He described the application for a new school as an important decision for the Island “A new secondary school is a significant investment in the future of Jersey’s education system and I want to be sure that we get this right.  Public Inquiries are an excellent way of exploring planning issues in depth – people will be most welcome to come along and give their views.”

Next steps

1) The Minister will appoint an independent planning inspector
2) A website will be set up to allow people to comment on the application
3) A date will be set for the inquiry (likely to be in the autumn)

Link to the planning application

Public inquiry information

A public inquiry is an open and accessible investigation of a planning application. An inquiry is usually held when an application is complex or contentious. It helps provide a deeper understanding of the benefits and disadvantages of the project. The public inquiry is chaired by an independent planning inspector, and often includes a public hearing of one day (or more). The hearing is open to the public to attend. People can also apply to make a verbal submission in person.  The inspector reads all submissions and writes a detailed report, with recommendations, to the Minister, who makes the final decision. 

​A public consultation was held by the Education Department on options for the new site for the school in 2015.

Link to the consultation outcome


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