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Government of

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St Mary's village scheme wins award

14 June 2016

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has won a prestigious national award from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) for the village improvement scheme at St Mary.

Last week DfI was presented with the CIHT / Mouchel Streets and Places Award for the work undertaken to develop a scheme that made St Mary easier to get around on foot, while being in keeping with the character and identity of the village.

The scheme was developed following in-depth consultation with parishioners led by the community-based St Maryā€™s Village Improvement Board.

CIHT gives out annual awards to celebrate remarkable schemes and initiatives. The awards are judged on set criteria by a panel of professional engineers who have experience in highways and transportation projects.

CIHT Chief Executive, Sue Percy, said "The CIHT Awards are a celebration of all the excellent work currently taking place in the sector. They demonstrate that our industry continues to produce high calibre schemes, innovative products and ways of working, that contribute to both the transport community and society.

"We would like to thank all of those who took the time to enter their projects. The quality of the entries was extremely high and those who made the shortlist should be very proud."

Off-road footpath

The project started in early 2015 and was mostly finished last year, with finishing work completed this year.

Improvements include the establishment of an off-road footpath alongside Verte Rue, safe and sheltered areas to wait for the bus, re-allocation of road space to virtual footways and raised table traffic calming features outside the school, the pub and the garage.

The judges said they liked the scope of the scheme and the way in which it sought to address wider village issues. They also said it is an excellent example of public consultation and engagement, and shows how rural villages can be transformed for moderate budgets.

Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel, said "I am pleased that we have won this award. We are a bit isolated in Jersey. These awards provide us with an opportunity to see how we rate against work that is going on in the UK. To have this kind of recognition from people who are experts in this field is great for our engineers, great for St Mary and great for the Island."

ConnĆ©table of St Mary, Juliette Gallichan, was also really pleased that the scheme had won the award. "It was gratifying to see the importance the judges gave to the level of consultation and engagement with the St Maryā€™s community," she said.

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