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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

GCSE results 2017

24 August 2017

Provisional GCSE results published today show that Jersey students have performed
better than students in England.

For the first time this year, GCSE results include numbered grades, but only for mathematics, English literature and English language, taken in some schools. All other subjects are still marked using the A*-G system. The changes have come about as a result of the UK government’s education reforms.

Students who took exams this summer in the Island achieved 70.6% at grades C/4 and above compared to 66.1% in England. 24% of Jersey students achieved the highest grades compared to 19.8% in England.

​​7/A and above β€‹4/C and above β€‹1/G and above

Jersey students sat a total of 8,443 GCSE examinations in the Island. This includes GCSE examinations taken in all Jersey secondary schools.

Education Minister Rod Bryans said "These are outstanding results in a time of great change. These are the first results from students who have taken the new GCSE syllabus in English and maths, which have more demanding content and greater focus on final exams. Teachers in all our schools deserve extra recognition for the work involved in introducing a new system and guiding our young people through it.

"GCSE results are the culmination of 12 years of education and a time for celebrating the hard work of the students and the support of their families. But this year more than ever I would like to thank the teachers for their dedication and professionalism in working with the Department on our principal aim of raising standards."

Next year a further 20 subjects will move to the 1-9 grading, with most others following in 2019.

All GCSEs grades A*-G


Reformed English and mathematics GCSEs grades 9-1

​England​2.9% β€‹5.6%​8.8%​14.0%​18.7%​18.3%​16.4%​8.9%​4.7%​1.6%

The Education Department will produce a detailed statistical report on Islandwide GCSE performance later in the academic year. This will include more accurate data that takes account of the outcome of remarks and appeals.


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