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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

A-level results 2017

17 August 2017

The overall pass rate for Jersey’s A-level results published today is 99.5%, which is in line with 2016, and above the 97.9% pass rate for England.

The percentage of entries resulting in grades, A*, A and B at 56.3% is higher than results for 2016 in Jersey and England, at 52.9%.

This year a total of 498 Jersey pupils were entered for 1,347 A-level examinations.

​Jersey 2017​8.2%​18.2%​29.9%​24.4%​13.6%​5.3%​0.5%
​England 2017​8.3%​17.9%​26.7%​24.4%​14.7%​5.9%​2.1%
​Jersey 2016​6.8% β€‹18.0%​29.7%​26.9%​14.0%​4.0%​0.5%
​Jersey 2015​8.2%​20.0%​30.2%​24.4%​12.5%​3.7%​1.1%

Congratulations are due to this cohort whose qualifications reflect the latest phase of reforms which have cut down on coursework and decoupled AS-levels from the final A level result. Results for 13 subjects this year, including history, English, psychology, physics, chemistry and biology, are solely the result of final examinations taken in the summer.

Pupils who took the International Baccalaureate (IB) this year have achieved a 100% pass rate, with scores above the worldwide average and a best ever result for this qualification in Jersey.

Education Minister Deputy Rod Bryans said: β€œWell done to everyone who got their A-Level results today after two years of hard work. I am sure they would all like to join me in thanking the teachers and parents who have encouraged and supported them along the way. Good luck to all students with their next steps, whether that is into work or further study.”

Students going on to higher education should now contact their universities as soon as possible to confirm places. Students who did not achieve the grades they were expecting, either higher or lower, should contact the careers teacher at their school or college, or Careers Jersey, which is open Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm on +44 (0)1534 449440.

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