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School leavers reminded of support available through Back to Work

13 July 2017

Young school and college leavers, who are looking to enter the world of work are being reminded of the support available to them.  Advance to Work, a scheme within Back to Work, offer a range of services tailored to support young jobseekers aged 16 to 24 as they look to enter the employment market.  

Whether recently out of full-time education or facing problems finding a first job, Advance to Work can offer a combination of mentoring, training and work placements to help people into sustainable employment. Already this year, over 100 Advance to Work trainees have started a full-time job.

Unemployed school leaver, Calvin Carroll, found full-time work with MasonBreese after taking part.  Calvin said, “The Advance to Work Scheme benefitted me by giving me interview experience, advice, and the skills to create a really good CV.  I would advise any young people looking for work to join the scheme because it isn’t always easy to get a full-time job, especially if you haven't got experience.”

Sarah Roberts, Office Manager at MasonBreese, has been working with Back to Work to find suitable candidates, she said,  â€śCalvin is a real asset to our team.  He is very technical and is working with data and system improvements. We have been really impressed by his skills, his work ethic and his ability to work with customers.  

“For young people, Advance to Work helps them to understand about the work environment and business etiquette: what it’s like to work in a business, how you should act, and what is appropriate behaviour.  We can really see the difference in candidates who have been through Advance to Work, particularly if they have taken the excellent business administration course.  We’ve noticed their CVs are better, they are more confident and eloquent at interview, and they have a better understanding of what is expected of them.  I think the one-to-one coaching they receive really makes a difference.”

Mrs Roberts added, “For businesses, Advance to Work can help employers find young people who are right for the business.  There is talent out there but sometimes it is difficult to find it; for young people, it can be hard to get the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. We’ve found that Advance to Work works best when the Back to Work team really understand what you do, and they have certainly taken the time to do this.”

Deputy Graham Truscott, the Social Security Assistant Minister, said, “We recognise the challenges facing a lot of young people when trying to get that first step on the employment ladder. For many it is the lack of work experience that presents the most significant barrier to employment.  I would encourage anyone who feels they may benefit from the support of Advance to Work to get in touch by using our online application form.” 

Once they have joined the scheme, Advance to Work trainees will work with a dedicated employment advisor who will help them at every step as they move into work, providing mentoring and one-to-one coaching. Vocational training is available, along with personal development courses including interview preparation, establishing goals and creating a great CV.

Young people can apply to join Advance to Work using a simple online application form available at

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