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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Deadline for completion of Brexit Residentsā€™ Survey extended

18 May 2017

ā€‹The Ministry of External Relations has extended the deadline for Islanders to complete the Brexit Residentsā€™ Survey, which is part of the wider Letā€™s Talk Brexit public engagement exercise, until Friday 26th May 2017.

The survey has attracted over 900 responses in the three weeks since it was launched, with the majority of respondents choosing to complete the survey online at However, physical copies of survey are also still available in Parish Halls, Cyril Le Marquand House, the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Jersey Trading Standards stand in the Central Market.

A spokesman for the Ministry of External Relations said ā€œBecause of the very positive take-up we have experienced, we have decided to extend the deadline to give all those who want to contribute the opportunity to do so. We would especially like to encourage members of our minority communities to complete the survey, and are working with the Honorary Consuls and community groups to circulate it as widely as possible.

We would also like to thank all the Islanders who have taken the opportunity to speak to members of the Letā€™s Talk Brexit team at ā€˜pop-upā€™ events at the St Lawrence Community Market, on King Street and in the Social Security building."

The Ministry of External Relations will continue its public engagement on Brexit with the launch of a survey aimed at Island businesses in mid-June.

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