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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Chief Executive for States of Jersey

21 July 2017

A new Chief Executive for the States of Jersey has been appointed. Charlie Parker is currently the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council, where he has worked since 2013. In the last four years he has overseen the transformation of the Council during a time of significant change for local government. He has directed the reorganisation of many Council services, and overseen a successful OFSTED inspection in Tri- Borough Children’s Services which resulted in the only outstanding rating in the UK. Westminster also achieved the best 2016 GCSE results in Inner London.

Mr Parker’s previous position was Chief Executive at Oldham Council, where he led the Council’s transformation from being the worst Local Authority in 2008 to the most improved in the country in 2012.  He brought an estimated ÂŁ500 million of investment into the town while introducing innovative service improvements and financial efficiencies of ÂŁ140 million over a five year period.  His time there saw the Children’s Service being in the top half dozen nationally, and the finance service being one of the best across the whole of the UK public sector.

Before joining Oldham Council Mr Parker was Director of Investment and Performance at English Partnerships and a member of its Executive Management Board. He was responsible for developing the Agency's Investment Strategy Corporate Plan and main corporate financial administration function. He also oversaw the Asset Management service, which included the former Commission for New Towns assets. 

His other previous posts have included Group Strategic Development Director at Enterprise plc, Executive Director for Regeneration at Liverpool City Council, and head of Manchester Council’s Inner City Department.

The Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, said “Mr Parker brings with him a wealth of experience in successful leadership, transforming local government organisations and attracting inward investment. His proven success in running effective services for children and vulnerable adults and a high quality education service makes him a particularly suitable appointment at this time in Jersey’s history, when we have committed to working together to make substantial changes to our services and our organisational culture. Mr Parker has achieved these outcomes by building strong teams that work effectively together to achieve successful transformation.

“I am confident that with his record of leading successful public sector organisations Mr Parker can support this government’s ambition to maintain Jersey’s successful economy, improve our productivity and invest in priority areas like health and social services and education to provide world class services for islanders.”

Mr Parker said “I am delighted to be taking up this unique opportunity as Chief Executive for the States of Jersey. I am looking forward to the exciting challenges of contributing to the continuing growth of the economy and supporting businesses in Jersey. I will continue the work of transforming the public sector to deliver great public services for the Island, maintaining Jersey as a prime tourist destination and supporting local communities.”

Mr Parker is a keen Manchester City fan and has two grown-up children.

The appointment process for the new Chief Executive was run by the Jersey Appointments Commission with independent oversight.

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