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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Energy Trends report 2015

03 May 2017

ā€‹The Energy Trends report looks at the supply and use of various fuels such as electricity, gas and petroleum products. It also focuses on changes over time.

The 2015 report shows:


  • almost all of Jerseyā€™s energy supply was imported; about 2% was produced on Island as electricity generated by the energy-from-waste plant
  • petroleum products accounted for almost two thirds (64%) of Jerseyā€™s energy supply; electricity (imported and on-Island generated) accounted for the remainder (36%)
  • Jerseyā€™s total primary energy supply (TPES) was 4% lower than in 2014, driven by a reduction in the importation of petroleum products used for on-Island electricity generation


  • total final energy consumption (FEC) was 2% higher than in 2014
  • energy consumption per head of resident population was 1.5 toe and was below that of the UK (2.1 toe)
  • more than a third (37%) of energy used was consumed by households, a similar proportion (35%) was used for transportation (predominantly road transport) and over a quarter (28%) was used by industry and government

Jersey Enery Trends report 2015

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