27 April 2017
​Glenn Houston, the newly appointed Chair of Jersey’s first ever Care Commission, is seeking a local Commissioner. The role requires a Jersey resident who is passionate about helping to improve the Island’s health and social care services.
The local Commissioner must have direct experience of local services, either as a user of those services or as a carer for a family member or a friend who is a user of those services. They must also have the skills needed to help influence change.
Mr Houston said “As the incoming Chair of the Care Commission, my first task is to ensure that the voices and experiences of local service users are represented on the Commission. The law requires the appointment of at least one Commissioner who is a local service user because it is widely recognised that it is through building on the insight and knowledge of service users that we improve practice.
“I am therefore seeking a local resident who I can nominate as a Commissioner in order that the Chief Minister may appoint them. This Commissioner will play a vital role in helping to reach out to other service users. Their experiences of using care services will be important in helping the Commission to ensure that Islanders receive the best possible care.”
The Jersey Care Commission is being established in advance of the Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 2014, which will come into force towards the end of 2017. It will be responsible for overseeing the quality of care provided to Islanders either in their own homes (domiciliary care) or in key care services (care homes, children’s homes and adult day care services).
Earlier this month, the Chief Minister appointed Glenn Houston as Chair of the Care Commission and, subsequent to that, Mr Houston has nominated three off-Island health and social care experts to be appointed as Commissioners, subject to pre-appointing vetting processes.
Background information and an application form are available online. Anyone who would like an informal conversation about the role can contact Christine Blackwood, Head of Professional and Care Regulation, on (01534) 445798 or c.blackwood@health.gov.je. Deadline for applications is Monday 8 May 2017.