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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Next stage of safety improvements at Green Street roundabout

09 March 2017

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) will be starting the next stage of the improvements of Green Street roundabout on Monday 13 March.

After a successful trial of the temporary blocks these will be replaced by a new permanent kerb line, followed by resurfacing of the roundabout.

The completed scheme will increase safety for pedestrians and motorists using the roundabout and adjacent crossings and bring the roundabout up to modern design standards.

This work will start on Monday 13 March and last for approximately four weeks, until Thursday 14 April.

The work will be undertaken on weekdays between 9.15am and 3pm, and then 7pm until 11pm, with the roundabout open and traffic restrictions in place.

The work will also require the part-closure of the roundabout, which will have to be done on Sundays between 8am and 8pm.

Only the east or westbound direction across the roundabout will be closed at one time.

When the eastbound direction is closed, the roundabout access to Snow Hill Car Park will be closed. Motorists are requested to remove their vehicles from Snow Hill before 8am on these Sundays.

Planned roundabout closures are as follows:

​Sunday 19 March​8am to 8pm â€‹Eastbound and Snow Hill Car Park
​Sunday 26 March​8am to 2pm​Westbound 
​Sunday 26 March​2pm to 8pm​Eastbound and Snow Hill Car Park
​Sunday 2 April â€‹8am to 8pm​Westbound
​Sunday 9 April​8am to 8pm​Eastbound and Snow Hill Car Park

Pedestrian access will be maintained and cyclists will be allowed access through if they dismount. 

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