20 November 2017
​Laboratory tests have confirmed that a chemical linked to the death of a dog in the summer was the banned pesticide Phorate.
The Department of the Environment became aware of the death of a dog suspected to have consumed a poison in the Beauport/Les Creux area in July.
The poisoning was initially detected by a private vet who sent samples to a laboratory in the UK. The samples tested positive for the banned pesticide Phorate. As part of its investigation, the Department of the Environment arranged for the samples to be sent to another laboratory which has now confirmed this finding.
Phorate has been banned in Jersey since 2003. The department didn’t find the source of the Phorate but typically it degrades within a few weeks of being applied or spilt, and officers aren’t aware of other cases of Phorate poisoning there or elsewhere.
The Director of the Environment, Willie Peggie said “This was extremely sad for Cyrena-Clarke and her owners, and caused concern among dog owners who like to exercise their animals in the area. We don’t think there’s an ongoing risk, but it’s still worth reminding people that they should hand in any domestic or commercial chemicals that they think may be out of date or banned.”
Anyone who wants to hand in chemicals or advice on their safe disposal should contact the Environment Department.
Telephone the Environment Department on +44 (0) 1534 441600
Email the Environment Department