20 April 2017
​Department for Infrastructure (DFI) is looking to recruit six apprentices as part of its ongoing programme of training local people in technical skills.
DFI is inviting applications for two mechanical engineering, two motor vehicle engineering and two electrical apprenticeships to start in September this year, for a fixed term of four years.
The apprentices will have the opportunity of getting valuable work-based experience in DFI as well as getting college-based qualifications. Each apprentice will work as part of a small team in DFI to ensure that adequate training and supervision is provided.
Deputy Eddie Noel, Minister for DFI said “The staff at DFI have a lot of knowledge and experience and I am pleased we are able to offer these apprenticeships to pass on skills and help people learn a trade.”
Martin Gautier, who administers the apprentice programme for DFI said “Apprentices trained at DFI get an extremely good grounding in their trade. We are a highly skilled Department with a broad scope of work and high standards of workmanship are expected. We are looking for people who can show they are motivated and committed to becoming a skilled technician as well as having an aptitude for their chosen trade.”
DFI has a long history of training apprentices. The new recruits will be replacing current apprentices who finish their training in July.
Anyone interested in applying can find more information:
The closing date for applications is 21 May 2017.