21 September 2017
​The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and the Parish of St Saviour with local community representatives are considering road safety improvements to Longueville Road between Plat Douet Road and Rue des Pres Trading Estate and would like to hear from anyone about issues that they feel need to be addressed.
DfI and the Parish are holding a drop-in session on Thursday 28 September between 5pm and 8pm at Plat Douet School for all who use the area to come along and discuss any road safety concerns for that stretch of road.
Those unable to attend the drop-in can still have their say as feedback questionnaires and background information will be available at St Saviour’s Parish Hall until Thursday 5 October.
The project board (comprised of DfI officers, Parish officials and local community representatives) will review all the feedback together with other relevant information and form a brief for proposal options to be drawn up.
These options will go to a community consultation event in the New Year, where community views will again be sought.
The aim is for improvements to be implemented in 2018.
Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel, said “Following concerns raised I am pleased that we now have capacity in our programme to start the consultation process for road safety improvements to Longueville Road. Working with the Parish and the community I am sure we will be able to make the road safer for pedestrians and other road users.”