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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

La Route d'Ebenezer road surface improvements

10 August 2017

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) will be carrying out road surface improvement works on La Route d’Ebenezer starting on Monday 14 August.

As part of its ongoing programme of road maintenance, DfI will be applying GripFibre micro asphalt to La Route d’Ebenezer over a three-week period starting next week.

GripFibre is a preventative road surface maintenance system that has been used in the Island since 2015 and is a tried and tested form of road maintenance in the UK and Europe. The surface has a lifespan of more than ten years and is approximately two to three times cheaper than traditional resurfacing. Therefore, using this system enables DfI to maintain more areas of road within its limited budget, which is of great benefit to the Island.

This surface improvement follows on from last year’s specific targeting and strengthening of areas of the road surface that were particularly weak and were removed and replaced. Utility companies also undertook necessary works last year ahead of the resurfacing project.

Laying of the GripFibre involves the application of two thin layers of fluid, stones and fibres over the existing surface; each layer takes approximately 30 minutes to harden. This results in providing an effective waterproofing layer that will raise the road surface level by approximately 15mm. This process is much quicker than the laying of asphalt, which is the traditional road resurfacing system in Jersey. Even though the process is a speedy operation, it is weather dependent. The new surface may initially appear different and uneven; however, it will become more uniform after a few weeks. For a few weeks after the GripFibre is laid, the road surface will be regularly swept, as loose stones may be shaken free when vehicles travel over the surface.

La Rue des Croix and La Route d’Ebenezer will be closed to through traffic from Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 6pm (this may be extended to 9pm) from Monday 14 to Friday 25 August.

Signed diversion routes will be in place.

There will be minor works on Saturday 19 and Saturday 26 August in areas with isolated traffic management.

Access to premises will be maintained, with the exception of when the final surface is being laid past vehicle entrances.

Bus routes and bus stops along La Route d’Ebenezer and La Rue des Croix will be suspended during the road closures.

There will be no works on the weekend of 2 and 3 September.

From Tuesday 29 August to Friday 1 September between 9.15am and 6pm, the contractor will be making the necessary adjustments to manhole covers, and La Rue des Croix and La Route d’Ebenezer will have portable traffic signals in operation.

Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel, said â€śThis year’s maintenance programme will resurface over 3.7 miles (6 kilometres) of road.  Around 1.2 miles (2 kilometres) of this is with GripFibre micro asphalt. Used in appropriate locations, this product restores the road condition, which extends the period between resurfacing and enables our budget to go further.”

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