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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

DfI Minister agrees to St Brelade's speed limit proposals

11 September 2017

The Minister for Infrastructure, ​Deputy Eddie Noel, has agreed to the speed limit changes proposed by the parish of St Brelade and has asked for the law to be changed accordingly.

The review of speed limits is an important element of the Road Safety Action Plan 2017-19, which Deputy Noel has been working on in collaboration with the parishes and the States of Jersey Police.

The plan contains a framework for setting appropriate speed limits to achieve Island-wide consistency.

Deputy Noel agreed with the Comité des Connétables in March 2017 that each parish would carry out a review of speed limits within their boundaries. St Brelade is the first parish to have carried out the review.

As well as the changes in St Brelade, there were a few historic requests that had been held until the next law change was due to be processed, and Deputy Noel agreed to these few changes in St Clement, St John, St Lawrence and St Peter.

Deputy Noel said “Over the years I have been getting requests now and then from parishes to change speed limits. I was keen to work with parishes to change from a piecemeal approach to ensure consistency across the Island through a parish review process. I congratulate the ConnĂ©table of St Brelade on being the first to complete and submit his review and I was happy to endorse it.”

The Connétable of St Brelade, Steve Pallett, said “As a parish, we receive several ad hoc requests each year from parishioners to reduce speed limits around the parish. The St Brelade Roads Committee decided to take a more holistic view when considering any further changes and conducted a review of all roads, both States and parish, based on criteria agreed with the Department of Infrastructure (DfI). I must thank the hardworking members of my Roads Committee and officers from DfI for their support in producing a clearly defined proposal that took into account, for example, smaller by-roads and residential areas, and will provide a safer environment for all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians.”

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