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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Quit smoking for good this Stoptober

27 September 2017

Smokers in Jersey are being urged to increase their chances of quitting by taking up the Stoptober challenge this October.

Stoptober is a 28-day challenge during October that encourages smokers to try to quit. The campaign is based on evidence showing that smokers who manage without a single puff of a cigarette for 28 days are five times more likely to quit for good.

Help2Quit Stop Smoking Nurse Specialist, Richard Hill said â€śWhether you are taking the Stoptober challenge as an individual, or with friends, family members or work colleagues, we know that if you can manage not to smoke for 28 days, your chances of quitting for good are greatly increased. Some of the benefits of quitting that can be felt during this time including improved senses of smell and taste, being able to breathe more easily, improved circulation and having more energy.”

Smokers wanting to quit don’t have to go it alone. Getting support from Jersey’s stop smoking service Help2Quit increases the chances of quitting for good – the service offers free treatment and support from trained advisors and is available in 21 pharmacies throughout the Island.

Over the last six years of Stoptober, a total of 519 Islanders have taken up the Stoptober Challenge with Help2Quit, with 252 of them still not smoking four weeks later.

Mel Boleat from Lloyds Pharmacy said “The Help2Quit pharmacy service offers a total of nine support sessions at a range of locations and times, and free nicotine replacement therapy. Why not come along and speak with one our friendly advisors and find out how we can help you reach your goal?”

Smokers who want to find out more about giving up are urged to call the Help2Quit freephone number on 0800 735 1155 and obtain advice about their nearest pharmacy service. Alternatively, details of the nearest smoking cessation pharmacy service are available via the Help2Quit web page

There is also help on hand for people in hospital, as Help2Quit offers a specialist service for in-patients.

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