17 August 2017
​The Minister for the Environment has decided to hold a public inquiry on a planning application (P/2017/1023) for a new holiday village on the border of St Lawrence and St Mary.
The owner of Tamba Park or Retreat Farm as it is also known, wants to build 27 two and three-bedroom self-catering units on the site of a disused glasshouse and other structures, and to put car parking facilities on a field.
Deputy Steve Luce has decided to call a public inquiry because of the complex nature of the application. If the development were to go ahead it would be a significant departure from the Island Plan. The site lies in the Green Zone, where there is a presumption against development.
However, the plans include the removal of a substantial glasshouse and a potential boost to the tourism industry through the construction of visitor accommodation.
Deputy Luce said “These issues require careful balance for a large site in the countryside, and a public inquiry provides a structured opportunity to explore the planning matters in depth to ensure that the outcome is the right decision for Jersey.
“I want the planning inquiry to be an inclusive forum, to ensure an open discussion, with everyone who has a view to be able to present their opinions and have evidence tested, before the inspector makes a recommendation.”
A second proposal (P/2017/0805) by the applicant, JAJ Properties Ltd, to demolish glasshouses in a field next door, and build a four-bedroom home, garage and swimming pool will also be considered as part of the inquiry.
The Minister decided that although this application doesn’t itself warrant a public inquiry, it is closely related to the holiday village proposals and should be assessed by the inspector at the same time, so that a comprehensive solution for the area may be considered.
The inquiry date will be set shortly, and an independent inspector appointed.