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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Tax payment deadline

06 December 2017

The Taxes Office is reminding Islanders that outstanding taxes need to be paid by Friday 8 December at 6pm. Late payments may attract a 10% surcharge.

Currently (Wednesday 6 December) about 2,000 taxpayers with a balance to pay had income tax and long-term care charges outstanding which amounts to a total of around Β£15 million to be collected. The Taxes Office has issued nearly 8,000 notices of assessment throughout the year which contained a notification that a balance was still to be paid.

Islanders who pay the majority of their tax by ITIS and therefore have not received a notification with an instruction that they have a balance to pay outstanding will not incur a surcharge.

Assistant Comptroller of Taxes Chris Le Breton said: β€œThe majority of Islanders pay their taxes and long term care contribution in good time. However, each year a number of people face paying a fine as we near the end of the year. People have a number of payment options open to them – the easiest being to pay online – which hopefully means very few will miss the deadline.”

Outstanding amounts can be paid online using a debit card on the Tax payment portal.

Cheques can also be posted to the department but need to be received before Friday 8 December at 6 pm.

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