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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Minister authorises sale of trust properties

27 January 2017

The Minister for Health and Social Services has signed two Ministerial Decisions covering the proposed sale of some of the properties owned by the Le Seelleur and Bailhache Trusts.

Le Seelleur Trust (MD-HSS-2017-0004)

The Le Seelleur Trust, of which the Minister is the Trustee, was set up in 1996 following the death of Harold Ernest Le Seelleur, a building contractor who was well-known in Jersey. The Trustā€™s assets included properties in several locations in the Island.

On the recommendations of Jersey Property Holdings (JPH), which acts as property manager to the Trust, the Minister, Senator Andrew Green, has approved the sale of two Trust properties: Le Boulevard Apartments 1 to 6, Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville; and Beau Sejour, Mont Millais, St Helier.

The sales will ensure that the Trust receives an appropriate return from the property portfolio. Sale proceeds will be retained in the Trust to be used to benefit the aged, infirm and needy residents of the Island.

Bailhache Trust (MD-HSS-2017-0005)

The Bailhache Trust was established in 1979, under the will of Mrs Eunice Jane Bailhache. The Trust assets included commercial and residential properties.

The Minister, in his role as Trustee, has appointed JPH to manage all Trust properties. This will ensure that the remaining properties are effectively maintained and that an appropriate return is achieved for the Trust.

JPH will now market for sale one of the properties: 93 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier. Proceeds will be returned to the Trust, in order to be used for the general welfare of people who are elderly, blind or sick.

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