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Labour market for December 2016

28 April 2017

ā€‹Jersey's labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of both public and private sector total employment.

The latest Labour market report for December shows that:

  • total employment was 58,560, the highest December figure for private sector employment to date:
      • employment in the private sector was 50,870
      • employment in the public sector was 7,690
  • total employment was 740 higher than in December 2015 representing an annual increase of 1.3%:
      • employment in the private sector increased by 1,010 on an annual basis
      • employment in the public sector decreased by 270 on an annual basis
  • the increase in private sector employment was mainly due to increases in the number of full time employees, up by 1,040
  • the fall in public sector employment was due to the decrease in the number of States of Jersey core employees, down by 270 compared with December 2015
  • 6,270 jobs in the private and public sectors were on zero-hours contracts, representing 11% of total employment
  • there were 7,050 active undertakings in the private sector, 370 more than a year earlier; approximately half (3,760) were single-person undertakings

At a sectoral level:

  • the largest annual increase was recorded by private education, health & other services (up 500); total employment in this sector in December 2016 was the highest December figure recorded to date
  • employment in the construction sector increased by 290 on an annual basis; total employment in this sector in December 2016 was the highest figure recorded to date
  • employment in the finance sector increased by 10 on an annual basis:
      • the Trust & company administration sub-sector increased by 540 on an annual basis
      • in contrast, the Banking sub-sector saw a fall in employment, down by 390 on an annual basis, to a level around 1,900 below that recorded in 2007 and 2008

Download Jersey's labour market report for December 2016 (size 744kb)

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