02 August 2017
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is currently undertaking pedestrian improvements in the Bel Royal area.
Earlier in the year, DfI held a consultation with Bel Royal School parents and the nearby community regarding proposals for improving safety.
As a result work is being undertaken to provide:
- a new light controlled crossing on St Peter’s Valley, just to the north of St Aubin Inner Road
- a new bus shelter at the first bus stop to the east of that junction
- a new pedestrian refuge on St Aubin Inner Road just outside the car show room
- allocation of road space to pedestrians, especially bus users, on the southern side of St Peter’s Valley opposite Rue de Haut.
Temporary traffic lights to restrict the road to one carriageway are in operation to allow work to be carried out safely. This will cause delays to drivers passing through the Bel Royal area. In anticipation of more drivers using Rue de Haut than usual, Rue de Haut is one way in an easterly direction for the duration of the work.
The project is expected to take approximately five weeks.
These works on St Peter’s Valley will be suspended for the two days on which the Battle of Flowers parades are held.