06 November 2017
Parents of children who are due to start reception class in September 2018 need to contact their primary school by Friday 1 December 2017 to confirm their application if they want a place in a States primary school.
Reception application forms have been sent to parents who pre-registered with their catchment school.
The application form can also be downloaded at www.gov.je/schooladmissions
Parents can find out their catchment school by looking at the map available at www.gov.je/schoolcatchment or by contacting their local primary school or the Education Department on +44 (0)1534 445504 or emailing education@gov.je.
Parents may request up to three schools in order of preference. If a school is oversubscribed, priority will be given, in the following order, to children who:
- have a Special Educational Need and must access a specific school
- have brothers or sisters in the school (Reception to Year 5)
- are living in the primary school catchment area
- are living in the secondary school catchment area
- have siblings in the school (Year 6)
- have other requests supported by a good educational reason for attending a non-catchment school
If applications are received after the 1 December 2017 deadline, a place at the parents’ first choice school may no longer be available. If the school is already full, every effort will be made to offer a place at the parents’ second choice.
Primary schools will write to all parents in January 2018 to offer places. Parents are asked to inform the school if, at any time, they no longer need the place they have been offered.
Parents will not be offered a place in a States primary school, if they have registered for a place in a fee-paying school (so places are not allocated in duplicate).
Children are of compulsory school age from first day of the school term in which their fifth birthday falls.Under the Education (Jersey) Law Jersey 1999, children whose fourth birthday is between 1 September 2017 and 31 December 2017 must start school at the beginning of the autumn term in 2018. Children whose fourth birthday is between 1 January and 31 August 2018 may also start school at the beginning of the autumn term in 2018.