14 March 2018

The Minister for Infrastructure has approved a policy change, which means that prospective taxi drivers will be taking the ‘knowledge’ test at the same time as their public service vehicle (PSV) driving test.
To qualify to drive a taxi, the applicant has to be at least 21 years of age and has to satisfy the Inspector of Motor Traffic that they are fit (health and character) to drive a taxi, capable of driving a taxi and have an adequate knowledge of Jersey.
Currently, applicants take two separate tests, one to demonstrate that they are a competent driver (out in a car with an examiner), and the other, that they have an adequate knowledge of the Island (test in an office). By incorporating the two tests together it will modernise the format and be less onerous for applicants. The knowledge test will be carried out in the car, with candidates being asked to drive to several different addresses across the Island.
Candidates will still be required to prepare themselves thoroughly in the relevant aspects of Island knowledge prior to taking the test.
These changes make the combination test shorter and more relevant, there will also be a reduction in overall costs to the Department which will be passed on to the applicant.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel said “We believe this update to the knowledge test will be welcomed by prospective drivers. The new format makes it more like real life, by mirroring the request for a driver to take a passenger to specific addresses.”