06 February 2018
Islanders are being encouraged to put forward schemes that may qualify for a grant to help improve Jersey’s environment.
The Countryside Enhancement Scheme (CES) is part of Jersey’s Rural Economy Strategy 2017-2021. Since its introduction in 2006, the grant scheme has supported a wide range of environmental improvement projects which have benefited the Island’s unique wildlife, habitats and landscapes.
Examples of projects funded include:
Fertiliser placement equipment – to help reduce nitrate levels in ground and surface waters by placing fertiliser where it is needed, rather than spreading it across the field in the traditional broadcast method
Channel Island seagrass nutrient analysis by the Société Jersiaise. Seagrass beds appear to be expanding in Jersey’s intertidal areas and are an important habitat for many species
This year, priority will be given to projects that help deliver government strategic aims as set out in the Rural Economy Strategy 2017-2021.
The deadline for applications for the Countryside Enhancement Scheme is 1 March 2018.